Sleep monitoring related offerings started surfacing in the consumer market couple of years ago. More recently EASYWAKEme, another European startup, has thrown it's hat in the ring. While reviewing Zeo and aXbo last year, I found myself wondering what was the need for...
The concept of sensor-based connected devices that help consumers manage a healthy lifestyle is certainly gaining traction. Consider FitBit, Zeo, DirectLife, miCoach, BodyMedia, GreenGoose as examples. It was only a matter of time before a startup in this space...
The wireless remote health monitoring market is white hot these days. Seems like a lot of creative folks are looking at the increasing ability of connected devices, sensors and wondering why aren't these disrupting healthcare. Some luminary research centers rooted in...
Life Pebble
Toumaz technology is a spin-off from Imperial College of London , and they make what is probably the only ultra low-power silicon chip targeted for healthcare applications. In October 2009, they launched the Sensium Life Pebble wireless monitoring device in EU. The...
In the last few years, bar code scanning with smartphones has become much more robust and dependable functionality. Predictably enough, it's main application has been in real-time comparison shopping and product information area, giving rise to new services like...
More products designed around actigraphy keep surfacing. aXbo is a 'Sleep Phase Alarm Clock' by an Austrian company. The basic idea is to differentiate sleep phases (light, deep, REM) using body movements that are detected via a motion-sensor worn on the wrist. The...
gDitty (Zamzee)
Now I'm finding so many ideas being tested or marketed in the actigraphy space, that I'm inclined to make a tag for related posts (did). gDitty comes out of HopeLab, a Redwood City based non-profit organization. gDitty is targeted towards promoting physical activity...
I wrote about Proactive Sleep a while back and wondered how it would be to combine a sensor to automatically record sleep pattern. Well, Zeo gets one step closer to that. Zeo system consists of a wearable headband that measure brain's natural electrical activity....
Another vital-sensing hardware with integrated service to keep you healthy. miCoach from Addias helps users create a custom workout plan and track progress with real-time feedback and audio coaching. I was fortunate to see a demo last month. At the core of the...
Royal Philips International seems to be placing its bets on some innovative healthcare IT markets. Here are some that I've noticed in the past couple of years: VISICU (a remote ICU monitoring technology company acquired in 2007) Digital Pathology (commercial offering...