Note: I had stopped writing posts in 2017. Slowly getting back into it in 2024, mostly for AI.


Website. Interesting application of federated learning to solve healthcare's data sharing issues. Their platform allows the secure interaction of algorithm and data - from different entities. Like an escrow. Based on Azure confidential compute. Founded in 2022 at...

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Three simple examples of LLM confabulations

Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT can handle two aspects of communication very well: plausibility and fluency. Given an input context they determine what are the most probable sequence of words and string them in a way that is superbly eloquent. That makes the...

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NLG and the range of tasks within it

The first 10 minutes of this Stanford CS224N lecture explained NLU, NLG and the tasks within and it was helpful. Natural Language Understanding (NLU) is a subset of NLP (processing), which uses syntactic and semantic analysis of text and speech to determine the...

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Language Models and GPT’s evolution

As explained in this Stanford CS50 tech talk, Language Models (LMs) are basically a probability distribution over some vocabulary. For every word we give an LM, it can determine what the most probable word to come after that. It's trained to predict the Nth word,...

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Vector embeddings

This seemed like the core ideas so I wanted to clarify them conceptually. "Embeddings" emphasizes the notion of representing data in a meaningful and structured way, while "vectors" refers to the numerical representation itself. 'Vector embeddings' is a way to...

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When LLM experts say “We don’t’ know how”

I recently heard Jeff Bezos briefly talk about his views on LLMs here. Less than a minute into the conversation, he said something that struck a chord with me: LLMs in their current form are not inventions, they are discoveries. He followed that up with "we are...

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Docent Health

Service industries like consulting, hospitality, restaurants or the local car mechanic, are judged on experience. Healthcare folks would like to think that it's all about outcomes but no one would argue that experience is just as important. And most healthcare...

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