Advanced Analytics
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There are a number of tools available from multiple software vendors that can potentially enable advanced analytics. Not all are marketed specifically for analytics, some are technologies that can enable advanced analysis and BI. This is a running list of all such offerings that are in the market today. For the niche of Population Health related analytics offerings, see this page.
Healthcare-Industry Focused Analytics
- MEDai
- Health Dialog
- Ingenix (now Optum)
- SCIOinspire
- Milliman MedInsight: Predictive analytics
- Healthcare Insight
- 360Fresh
- Explorys
- Verisk Health (DxCG)
- Apixio
- Viewics: Lab focused BI
- SpectraMD
- Loopback analytics
- Health Dialog
- Anvita Health (Formerly SafeMed)
- PotentiaMed
- MedeAnalytics
- Recombinant Data Corp.
- Predictive Medical Technologies
- Archimedes Model
- Humedica
- Kyruus
- Active Health (Aetna)
- Humedica
- Anthem Healthcare Intelligence
- Dead as of 2018. Had a confusing ride.
- Health Data Insights
- Myne Health
- CliniCast: Analytic solutions to help optimize population and case management
- Comprehend Clinical
- GNS Healthcare
- Healthcare Dataworks
- Diagnosis One
- Health Level
- Inovalon
- Allazo Health: Nascent startup with analytics focused on Med Adherence only
- RxAnte: Analytics platform for medication adherence and management
- EMBI Emergency Medicine Business Intelligence and analytics
- Health Catalyst
- iVantage: Got $10M funding in June 2013
- Medacist: Analytics for Pharmacy Auditing
- ArborMetrix
- Flatiron: Focusing on Oncology initially. Backed by big tech names like Google Ventures, Social+Capital.
- Qpid Health
- Kyron: Stealth mode
- iVantage
- Ambient Clinical: ICU decision support. Spin-off from Mayo
- Healthcare DataWorks: EDW solution for healthcare data aggregation
- Comprehend: Clinical Analytics startup funded by YC, Sequoia. Seems to skew Pharma for now.
- Visiquate: Founded by the ex-founder of MedeAnalytics
- Predilytics: Funded by Google Ventures
- Capsico Health: Hyper-focused analytics on bundled payments and payment model related reform
- Cloud MedX: YCombinator 2016
- AnalyticsMD: YCombinator 2015. Raised $13M+. Now called Qventus. Doing operational analytics. Buzzwords on website include AI.
- Jvion: Louisiana-based. Raised $8.9M in 2016.
- LightBeam Health
- Medalogix: Post-acute analytics to predict patient risk and do pop health interventions. Raised $5M.
- Tempus: Precision medicine and AI. Eric Lefkofsky (Kellogg, Groupon fame). $580M raised. Unicorn.
- 2bPrecise: Precision Medicine
Generic Analytics (Industry Agnostic)
- QlikView
- ArtinSoft
- IBM Infosphere
- Autonomy
- Revolution Computing (creators of 'R' Statistical Modeling Language)
- Netezza
- Dimensional Insight
- Salford Systems
- Splunk: Operational analytics from machine/device data
- Ayasdi: Hot startup, based on Topological Data Analysis research from Stanford. Khosla funded.
- Predilytics: Machine learning applied to population health
- Predixion
- SRG Technology: Interestingly enough, a spin-off of MGH
Related Offerings
Below are some focused offerings that may not directly provide advanced healthcare analytics, but enable it in some way. I consider them to bel tools/services that complement the broader value proposition of the companies listed above.
Morbidity Scoring/Classification Tools
- DxCG
- ACG by Johns Hopkins
- 3M Clinical Risk Grouping (CRG)
- Ingenix Episode Treatment Groups (ETG)
- Ingenix Episode Risk Groups (ERG)
Rules Engines, Knowledge-bases
Medical Terminology Management
- Health Language
- Apelon
- Intelligent Medical Objects
- 3M
- OntoServer: Australian govt. initiative. Free to use in Australia, but licensed elsewhere.
- Symedical
- Snow Owl by B2i
NLP & Speech Recognition
Data Visualization
Consulting & Training Services
- The Modeling Agency
- Abbott Analytics
- Decision Management Solutions (James Taylor)
- Truven Health Analytics: Division of Thomson Reuters
- Data Mining Group(DMG) is an independent, vendor led consortium that develops data mining standards, such as the Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML).
- Abbott's Blog on data mining